
Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET)

Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology

The WOSET workshop aims to galvanize the open-source EDA movement. The workshop will (virtually) bring together EDA researchers who are committed to open-source principles to share their experiences and coordinate efforts towards developing a reliable, fully open-source EDA flow. The workshop will feature presentations that overview existing or under-development open-source tools, designs and technology libraries. Break-out rooms will be utilized for discussion of works-in-progress. The workshop will feature a panel on the present status and future challenges in open-source EDA, and how to coordinate efforts and ensure quality and interoperability across open-source tools.

Paper Submission



Program Chair

Proceedings Chair

Zoom Czar

Program Committee

Tentative Dates

Previous WOSETs

WOSET 2018

WOSET 2019

WOSET 2020

WOSET 2021

WOSET 2022

WOSET 2023 - No workshop